Amy is a professional textile designer, pattern designer, writer, and educator who single crochet in russian been crocheting since childhood. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Together, they cited information from 16 references.
How’s Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article meets our high standards. How marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. The single crochet is the simplest crochet stitch, and it is a good building block for learning the half-double crochet and double crochet stitches. If you’ve already mastered the chain, you’re ready to move on to single crochet.
This shows an American single crochet. Place your hook through the loop. Which loop you choose will partially depend on your pattern, but in a basic stitch, it should be the next loop over or the one after that. You can identify the loops by laying your work flat and looking at the bumps along the top edge where you are working. Your hook should be going in the front and out the back of the loop.
Hook the yarn so that the yarn is facing you. Pull the yarn back through the loop. You should now see two loops of yarn on your hook. Hook the yarn so that the yarn is facing you again. Pull the yarn back through the two loops on your hook. You may need to turn the face of your hook down towards your piece. When you are done you should be left with a single loop again.
For the next stitch, avoid the loop which is pulled upward into your current stitch. Go for the next loop instead. Plan the right number of chain stitches. If you are starting a piece from scratch, you’ll have to make a chain before you can single crochet. First, you’ll want to chain the number of single-crochet stitches you’d like to create, plus one or two, depending on which stitch you will be using in the next row. Figure out how many you need and continue. To crochet chain stitches, first tie a slip knot and poke the crochet hook through the knot.
Hold the yarn and hook correctly. Hold the crochet hook in one hand, and the end of the yarn that leads back to the skein in the other. Wrap the end of the yarn around the hook once, starting behind the hook and coming up and over until the yarn lies beneath the hook itself. Pull the hook through the slip knot, drawing the yarn you just wrapped along with it. You’ve just chained 1 stitch and have a new loop of yarn around the hook for making your next chain.
Repeat the process, wrapping the yarn around the hook and pulling it through the loop until you’ve chained the desired number of stitches. Once you’ve done your chain row, or a row of single crochet, you’ll have to turn around and do another row. In other words, hold the hook still while you flip the chain you just made from either right to left, or left to right. Identify the second chain stitch away from your crochet hook.